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Utilizator din Iulie 14, 2015
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
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Evaluată cu 3 din 5 stele

FiltaQuilla does have main action I need , Save Attachments. This is great for automatically saving invoice pdfs etc.
But, There is no option to SKIP if the attachment name and filesize are the same as a file already saved. Thus we get 10000's of duplicate files.
Some smarts in the Save Attachment process would be great.
Like also prefixing or appending the email date to the file name as it is saved.
If it had this Id give it 5 stars!

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (1.3.1). 


Evaluată cu 2 din 5 stele

Its ok, but it doesn't have THE most important (to me) function.
Need to be able to apply a new and.or existing filter to ALL Email Accounts.
Either by merging to another account (removing the "To: criteria), or by selecting the INBOX (unified inbox) as the folder to filter when creating or editing a filter. I would gladly pay for this filter function.
Also it would be good to be able to select multiple templates when creating filters, such as "From" AND "Subject" not just one or the other.
This addon does not really save very much time, if like myself, you are already proficient at creating the filters. Sorry to bring down the vibe...but

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (2.8).