
Despre mine

Informații dezvoltator
Nume GatesIsAntiChrist
Utilizator din Aprilie 5, 2016
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

In a little more detail...

Thank God, thank God, that the technologically Microsoft has failed to destroy *all* browser competitors. Yes, Netscape was nice in its time, and they were killed. Thank God that those clueless, incompetent a______s at MS haven't wrecked FX !!

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Restartless Restart

Evaluată cu 2 din 5 stele

Shift-F2 method does not provide me with a clean restart on 45.0.2.

On Win 7 I have autohidden taskbar. However every time I use this to start FX, I have to manually open every single FX window to get my taskbar to hide normally.

There is no "restart" choice under file menu for me.

"Restart Button" add-on is said to no longer work, just like "Restartless Restart." So I'm just stuck now with nothing. Sad. It looks like it should be so easy to provide. When I install new add-ons they have a restart button on their install page. Why doesn't someone who's already written one of those, just provide the restart functionality and skip the add-on? It would be trivial.

Maybe I could just do that over and over......hmmm, maybe enable and reenable some tiny add-on every time, effectively achieving a restart button?

I am reduced to considering this absurd approach because no one has written a working restart button add-on. Would somebody please just write it?