Istoricul versiunilor Menu Wizard

42 de versiuni

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Aceste versiuni sunt afișate în scopuri de testare și de referință. Ar trebui să folosești întotdeauna cea mai recentă versiune a unui supliment.

Versiunea 1.11.1-signed 86.8 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 34.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.32, Thunderbird 17.0 - 34.*

renamed the addon:
new name: Menu Wizard
old name: S3.Menu Wizard

fixed: bug in context-menu for Linux/Ubuntu

Versiunea 1.10.1-signed 86.6 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

added: support context menu: Bookmarks sidebar, Bookmarks library, History sidebar, History library

Versiunea 1.09.1-signed 86.5 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

added: edit Bookmarks panel context menu
fixed: minor bug fixes

Versiunea 1.08.1-signed 86.4 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

added: special conditions of the algorithm for the NoScript - disable Configure menu on the fly
added: auto-displayed the button "Configure this menu" if pressed "Ctrl + Right click mouse"
added: auto-hide first element in context-menu if this menuseparator

Versiunea 1.07.1-signed 86.1 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

deleted: edit Toolbar context menu
added: only for Configure menu on the fly: edit Toolbar context menu

Versiunea 1.06.1-signed 86.4 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

added: remember last state for the options page (about:config-menu)
added: "select/deselect all" button for the "keyboard shortcuts"
added: edit Toolbar context menu
added: only for Configure menu on the fly: edit NavBar context menu
added: only for Configure menu on the fly: edit SearchBar context menu
added: only for Configure menu on the fly: edit Toolbar buttons context menu
fixed: minor bug fixes for Nightly 34.0a1 (2014-07-25)

Versiunea 1.05.1-signed 85.4 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 33.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 33.*

added: New feature: Now you can change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts
added: auto-hide double menu-separators

Versiunea 1.04.1-signed 77.4 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 32.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 32.*

Now even easier to customize the menu!
added: Configure menu on the fly: in menu added button "Configure this menu"
added: compatibility for the menu "Multiple Tab Handler"

Versiunea 1.03.1-signed 74.9 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 32.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 32.*

added: Experiment: translate the menu items into your native language (Integration with S3.Google Translator: )
added: Czech locale (thanks Jakub Rychecky)
added: Polish locale (thanks Maciej Bojakowski)
added: Japanese locale (thanks pulsmz)
added: Chinese zh-CN locale (thanks 基木 <dsyo2008>)
added: German locale (thanks Brummelchen)
fixed: minor bug fixes

Versiunea 1.02.1-signed 63.8 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 32.*, Seamonkey 2.0 - 2.30, Thunderbird 17.0 - 32.*

added: Settings: Show button "Show all" in menu
added: Settings: Show hidden menu "Ctrl + Right click mouse"
added: Settings: Highlight the hidden menu
added: "split screen"
added: "show/hide" button in context-menu
added: Support Thunderbird
added: Support SeaMonkey browser
fixed: minor bug fixes

Versiunea 1.01.1-signed 49.6 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 24.0 - 32.*

Versiunea 1.00.1-signed 24.9 KiB Funcționează cu Firefox 25.0 - 31.*