Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I have been paying for ExQuilla for a long time. The measly cost per year (less than $15US) is so worth what I get from it. It means I don't have to waste hours per day trying to manage my e-mail with lookOut! If you don't want to pay this then just find an alternative. Oh, yea. Nobody out there has an alternative for Thunderbird <=> Exchange. Well, Good Luck!
Kent James has put years of his time supporting this product alone! Now that he is unable to do it any more, it is only fitting that a reputable team like Beonex takes it over. Instead of bashing Beonex for again charging for it, why don't you offer to help support it yourself. Try paying for a license and using it for a while. When you find issues, report them with as much detail as possible and, maybe, it will continue to get even better!
I am currently in the process of switching over to Office 365. Bletch! What a mess. However I will try my best to help the new ExQuilla team Beonex resolve any/all issues I encounter so when you finally decide to pay for a license you won't have to deal with the issues.


Cost: < $15US/year
Benefit: Hundreds of hours NOT spent dealing with lookOut!
No Brainer!!!

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (68.0.1). 

Thank you for your appreciation. It is nice to read that, for a change.