Danilo Fortunato

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Informações do desenvolvedor
Nome Danilo Fortunato
Usuário desde Julho 6, 2007
Número de extensões desenvolvidas 0 extensões
Avaliação média das extensões do desenvolvedor Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Minhas análises

Automatic Export

Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas

Unfortunately this very useful add-on no longer works on Mozilla Thunderbird 60.2.1 with Lightning (on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 64-bit).
The preferences panel is not shown.

I tried to manually modify the install.rdf file inside the add-on, in order to force the possibility to install it on Thunderbird 60.2.1.
The add-on can be installed, but it doesn't work at all.

I have the impression that this add-on is no longer supported by the Author.

Esse usuário tem uma análise anterior desta extensão.

Automatic Export

Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas

I'd like to inform other users that a new version of Automatic Export (0.2.4), compatible with Sunbird 0.8, can be downloaded at http://www.sunbird-kalender.de/extension/autoexport/de/download.html.
The new version, however, contains a bug: the calendars to export cannot be selected from the Options window.
A work-around for this bug is to manually set the calendars to export in the configuration editor of Sunbird (ae.prefid.normal.exportCalendars.calendars or ae.prefid.backup.exportCalendars.calendars).

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.2.3). 

Persistent Read-Only Calendars

Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas

I tried Persistent Read-Only Calendars 0.1.12 with Sunbird 0.7 running on Windows XP SP2, both in Italian language.

For my test, I created a new profile, then I created a second calendar that I set as read-only (the first calendar is the default one).
Both calendar are stored on the PC (not remote calendar).

When I restart Sunbird, the read-only flag disappears, as if the extension did nothing.

When I click on the calendar in the mini-window, I get the following error message in the error console:

[Exception... "'JavaScript component does not have a method named: "onCalendarPrefChanged"' when calling method: [calICalendarManagerObserver::onCalendarPrefChanged]" nsresult: "0x80570030 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JSOBJECT_HAS_NO_FUNCTION_NAMED)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Programmi/Mozilla%20Sunbird/js/calCalendarManager.js :: notify :: line 416" data: no]
Source file: file:///C:/Programmi/Mozilla%20Sunbird/js/calCalendarManager.js Row: 416

FG Printers

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

I tried FG Printers 0.1.0 with Sunbird 0.5 on Windows XP (both in Italian language).

This extension allows to customize the printing options for Weekly Planner and Monthly Grid layouts, adding the following options:
- use Arial font instead of the default font (Times New Roman ?) used by Sunbird. Arial font looks better for many people, including me
- use a background color for non working days and for day headers
- choose the font size for the various calendar elements
Besides this, category colors are actually printed.

The extension provides support to language localization.

I found only two issues:
- background colors are visible in the print preview, but I didn't see them in a PDF printing (I didn't try a real print)
- the current version 0.1.0 does not support Sunbird 0.7; I hope that support for 0.7 version will come soon.

This extension is a basis for providing more options to print functionality of Sunbird and Lightning, which is quite limited.
I hope that the author will extend it in the future.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.1.0). 

.vcs Support

Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

I tested ".vcs Support" version 0.4.1 with Mozilla Sunbird 0.5 on Windows XP SP2 and on openSUSE 10.2 Linux.

This extension fills an important gap in Sunbird and Lightning, providing full support to vCalendar format (.vcs files).
The user interface is very simple and intuitive, and supports language localization.
I was able to install the extension without problems.

The extension can export almost all the properties of an event, plus some internals fields, not visible in the user interface.
Only priority and URL fields are not exported (I don't know if they are part of vCalendar standard or not).
Date and time fields are exported in local time (not UTC time).

I tested the export feature, trying to export three different calendars to vCalendar format and importing them into the Calendar of Microsoft Works 7.0 on Windows XP, and into Kontact 1.2.3 (KOrganizer 3.5.5 module) on openSUSE 10.2 Linux.
One of these calenders was a test calendar designed to test all the properties of an event.

The import into the Calendar of Microsoft Works worked pretty well, with some issues related to alarms (they are set 1 hour more) and recurrent events (recurrence information is ignored, if you choose to export recurrent events as single events).

On openSUSE Linux, the extension has a user interface bug with the Italian version of Sunbird (the export calendar dialog does not contain any calendar), but works fine with the English version of Sunbird.
The import into Kontact worked pretty well, with some issues related to all day events (that are not imported) and alarms (events are imported, but the alarm part is ignored).

The extension has been constantly improved since version 0.1, and the author has proved to be responsive on notifications of bugs.

All tests were done on a clean Sunbird profile.
All operating systems and software are in Italian language.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (0.4.1).