Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas

This is a great torrent client, but it lacks a few things I need. First, I need to have access to the torrent file so I can copy it to my torrents folder. I have no idea where the torrent file is being stored.

Second, it doesn't seem like it's uploading anything, and I don't like to download without uploading.

Third, it needs a way to set the port that is being forwarded for downloading & uploading torrents. It may be that there is no uploading because there is no port set in the client to accept connections for uploading.

Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.01.1-signed). 

> I need to have access to the torrent file so I can copy it to my torrents folder. I have no idea where the torrent file is being stored

torrent-file not saved

> Second.., Third..

uploads not implemented due to the complexity of the algorithm
is planned for Tornado version 3.0