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ZamknijOpinie o Book Text Mark
30 opinii o tym dodatku
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First of all, thanks for this great add-on. I use it everyday. I also love the new feature about "text -highlightning" but there is one problem:
I marked severel pages with "book-text-marks". And I have one Page, where I highlighted several textpassages (only highlight, no "book-text-mark"). But when I deleted one of these highlighted passages, all of my book-text-marks are gone too. When I use right Mouse-click, "Book Text Mark" and "Book Text Marks" there is only one left, this where I have the text highlightet, although I never set a "book-text-mark", I only use the highlight-function. The others are all gone.
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Great idea.
It would be nice to have a Book Text Mark button with a drop down of Book Text Marked pages that can be dragged to the menu. It will be much easier to access webpages than the current right click > BTM > BTMs > URL process, which takes up a lot of time and activity.
Perhaps the listed of Text Book Marks could be identified by the page's name instead of the URL. I use it mainly for marking forum threads, and if the URLs are long and I don't have specific numbers memorized, I have no clue which link is from which thread.
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Great extension Roman!!
Thank you very much for the updated Ff3 version. Works as smooth as silk on Ubuntu Linux. I'm once again one-happy-camper. Now I can resume my on-line reading and mark where I left off so I can return to it later with an automatic bookmark in the bookmark drop-down list menu entry for "Book Text Mark" when I have time to continue reading.
Thanks for your efforts creating this ext'n Roman! It's the only on-line book/page-marking utility I know of and we hope it stays around for a very long time.
Please don't let this one fall by the wayside.
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I\'m using my browser as a book reader so this is a ggood tool. Unfortunately the bookmark does not stay with the text as the window is resized. \r\n\r\nGreat idea though!
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (0.0.5).Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
This is extremely useful for marking your place on forum threads, blog pages, comment sections, and anywhere else you'd like to know where you left off reading. Using this you don't have to re-read to find our where you were on the page. Occasionally I'll return to a page and I see that the mark has moved from where I put it, but I'm still glad I have this extension.
I hope it will be updated (if necessary) and usable with FF v3.
My $.02 would be to have a setting to enable deletion of page marks when the page's bookmark is deleted from FF. And maybe fix the occasional wondering page mark.
Overall though, a very useful extension.
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Should include an icon to show if current webpage is 'book text marked' and also double clicking on it should pop a list with 'book text marked' urls so you can choose anyone of them
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (0.0.5).Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Works well, but it will only let you create one text mark per page. If you try to add a second mark, the first one is deleted.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (0.0.5).Oceniono na 4 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Very useful, but why not allow multiple Text-Marks per page? And then allow marks to be set and referenced a al unix LESS command. (ie. ma , mb, 'a, 'b , '' and all that) Surely Peerage would be bestowed on somebody who came up with a tool like that.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (0.0.5).Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
This extension is great. It is like a place marker-book marker combined. If I'm reading a long page and want to quit for a while this extension marks my place on the page with a colorful line that extends across the page plus it bookmarks the page and I can come back to it in a hour, a day or just whenever and start right where I left off. Great job.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (0.0.5).Oceniono na 5 z 5 możliwych gwiazdek
Really good idea. There is a small suggestion though, the mouse scrolling wheel moves the bookmark away from the cursor while dragging the mark. Not a big deal, but will make the interface even better.
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