
6 versies

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Versie 2.6 88.3 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 38.*

Versie 2.5 88.0 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 24.*

Filter behaviour was modified: if a property is marked "ignore", it is ignored even if the global action demands an export/import.

Revision handling was modified: ThunderSync tracks at property level which side (local/remote) was modified and updates the timestamps accordingly.

Versie 2.4 87.8 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 24.*

Versie 2.3 87.7 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 24.*

Release of the beta version (new sync algorithm); fixed some bugs; new: Spanish translation.

Versie 2.1 69.0 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 24.*

Versie 2.0 69.0 KiB Werkt met Thunderbird 3.0 - 9.*

  • New comparison/synchronisation routine:
    • Read and write operations are grouped and are executed an begin and end of a synchronisation pass
    • Comparison itself is done in-memory
  • Improvement of vCard processing
  • Improvement of file handling (images and external resources)
  • Assignment of individual preferences to addressbooks
  • Introduction of a contact detail filter system
  • Introduction of additional export options to solve compatibility issues
  • Option to define the default synchronisation action at application start, at application end and during manual execution
  • Automatic migration of old preferences
  • Tool to clean the photo directory inside a user's profile
  • Introduction of a toolbar button
  • Introduction of a ThunderSync icon