
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome nickname2222
Utente da Nov. 28, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Le mie recensioni

View Dependencies

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For a web developer like me this is a very very important plugin. Please consider updating it! :) If not, maybe someone with enough knowledge can fork this plugin?! Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any alternative to this wonderful tool. I would even do it myself if I would only know how to develop plugins in Firefox...

Gmail S/MIME

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nice extension! agree with byyy that signature validation is probably the single most wanted missing feature.

Just had an email conversation with the developers -- they responded quickly and in great detail why it is so hard to add signature verification. The good news is: they are already working on it!

Hopefully it will be added soon. Thumbs up and keep up the good work!


Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.4.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Purge Events

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

1. The author deemed it necessary to force a check on an installed Lightning / Sunbird. Sadly, this caused the extension to break for some of us. This can be fixed by removing the lines 34-41 (everything that's "") from install.rdf (extract, change code, pack all files into ZIP, rename ".xpi", install in TB).
2. There's some cruft "build.bat" stuff flying around in the .xpi - This is unnecessary, unclean work.
3. The extension does not work as I expected: You have to actively select the option to purge events - It does NOT purge events older than X automatically for you (You have to do a right-click on the calender-name in the left sidebar of Lightning to find the option to purge events...).
4. This extension only purges single-time events that happened in the past. Yearly events and the like are still visible in the history of the calendar. It would be great if those yearly events also had their older reoccurences purged.

Despite all these problems, the extension works (after fixing install.rdf) and closes a gap that Lightning should have closed a long time ago!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.1.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 


Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

nach empfehlung getestet und das urteil ist: feine extension wobei ich die IE version vom handling etwas besser finde

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.1.4) del componente aggiuntivo. 

FocalPrice currency converter

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Now, how about a version to

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.0.9) del componente aggiuntivo. 

FocalPrice currency converter

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No comments. Perfect!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.0.9) del componente aggiuntivo. 

MitM Me (SSL Error Bypass)

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Freely accessible download links for version 1.21: