
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome hanabi_chan
Località Spain
Lavoro theme and signature maker
Utente da Marzo 29, 2013
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 65 temi
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Qualche dettaglio in più…

Hi there...(^_^) I'm Hanabi...nice to meet you everyone! I'm a creator of theme and signatures, in general my signatures or themes are from the world of anime, I like anime and manga and I want to bring a new fresh design on firefox with themes for anime fans (n_n)
I started to design in 2010 but I drew and worked with photoshop since long before. Speaking honestly I'm not the best designer but I gradually improved until present day... I like to use all the resources of photoshop to create the most interesting themes and thanks to this amazing editor I can create many awesome things. (>_<)
I want to thank everyone who use my themes and comment or rate.
See you around. (n_=)/º

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I miei temi più popolari

Le mie recensioni

Sunrise at the Cabin by MaDonna

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Soon Christmas :)

Ebony Moon

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awesome moon

hanami cherry

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wow i love sakura trees

Halloween Witching Hour - animated

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i looove it very nicee