
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome arowland
Località UK
Lavoro IT Support
Utente da Luglio 12, 2021
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Worked great until approx May 2021. Then I presume Google moved the goalposts and now all I get is:
gContactSync Refresh Token
Authorisation Error
Error 401: disabled_client
Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app. This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.

I believe the developer needs to register the app with Google, but as he has not done so (despite my writing to request it some while ago) I am left up a creek with no paddle. Perhaps he has become discouraged with all the mindless changes Google and Thunderbird keep throwing at him -- I wouldn't blame him. All the other sync add-ons have fallen by the wayside too. But with no way of syncing my PC, laptop and phone any more, disaster and chaos looms. Mailspring doesn't seem to do a good job with contacts, eM Client syncs but you can't enter an address in UK format. I tried syncing via but that has become complicated and the phone doesn't sync changes... Huge despair here. Been going on for months and my address book is in deep doo doo.