
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Bootiga98
Località USA
Lavoro Student
Utente da Ago. 1, 2013
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Love nature and animals.

Le mie recensioni

C.E. Above the Mountains

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This is a really awesome theme. The eagles are my favorite part!

C.E. Alpine Mtn Road

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This one I love! Love the mountains and the way the road is going all curved off. Very cool.

C.E. Shooting Star

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I luv shooting stars. This is so dang pretty!

C.E. Jungle Waterfall

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Another great one! I don't know which one I like better the other one with the forest or this one. Very beautiful!

C.E. Wolves at Christmas

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I love wolves and this is a nice winter theme. Love the snowflakes too.

C.E.Waterfall Sunset 2

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You are a master at making themes! This is really beautiful! Love it!

C.E. Dark Winter Night

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This is so pretty, and who the heck is wolfgrrl to say that? I love fading themes into the bg too. Love this one C.e.!

C.E. On Halloween Night

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BeWitching! Love how you can barely see those spooky trees.

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C.E. Peaceful Forest

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Whoo hoo! My favorite!! Loverly!

The Caves of Orion

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I love this, because it has a unique color of blue in it, and I love Nebula and space stuff.