Utente Firefox dd4152

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Nome Utente Firefox dd4152
Utente da Nov. 4, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni

Plain Text to Link

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I use PTTL to copy selected text to a specific folder as a text file. It can Save to PTTL and Save to file.

I found that the current version of Plain Test to Link didn't work in Firefox 3.6 but I modified the install.rdf file and changed the max version to 3.6 and it works.

Save PTTL to your desktop or download folder by right clicking the green Add to Firefox button and selecting the Save Link As in the context menu.

Change the *.xpi extension to *.zip

Open the PTTL.zip file

Open the Install.rdf file in a text editor.

Locate the max version number and change it to 3.6

Save the file.

Re-Zip the file and change the PTTL.zip to PTTL.xpi

Install in Firefox.

Go to Add-On in Firefox and check your options for PTTL and configure it.

This works for me.


Tip: I don't install extensions directly from Mozilla, I save all *.xpi files to a folder and then install in Firefox via File Menu, Open File.

When you save all your extensions you have a copy just in case the Mozilla webpage tells you the extension is incompatible and you cannot find the extension to download.


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Good Extension - reminds you if you are using Firefox or Thunderbird as a Limited User or Admin User.

Version 2.2 does not install as of 12-07-2009 from this main webpage.

The download problem at addons.mozilla.org does not appear to have
been fixed yet. Therefore, the new version has also been published to
an alternative download location at


Look for Alternate Download Location and download the IsAdmin v 2.2 extension.

It works as advertised.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.2) del componente aggiuntivo.