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This is a good app but I prefer SixOrNot, for a couple of reasons. Contrary to the description of this add-on, SixOrNot uses both the actual connections and DNS info to provide the most comprehensive information available. You can verify this in the SixOrNot panel that unlike the IPvFox Panel shows the number of connections to each domain and address. It also shows addresses you're not connected to, i.e. the IPv6 if your ISP, like Bright House Networks, has been too slow to adopt it since its release in 1998.

Two things that I like better in SixOrNot are the icons that I find are more visible and easy to read on large displays or if you don't have perfect vision. The other is that the icon can optionally be moved out of the address bar to another location.

As I said earlier, this is a good app, but I feel SixOrNot is a better choice for those wanting the more information it provides, easier to read icons, and/or customization options.

Ugh... that description has been out of date for years and I should've changed it long ago. I've done that now. When I wrote it, 4or6 wasn't a thing, SixOrNot was DNS only and ShowIP wasn't adware.

You can move IPvFox's icon out of the address bar too. There's a toolbar icon you can put wherever; the one in the address bar will hide itself if you do.

I have a thing in the works for DNS: Soon™. Although it's a bit more buried than with SixOrNot.