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Nama marxdrive
Pengguna sejak Okt. 14, 2009
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 0 pengaya
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Ulasan Saya

Window Master

Peringkat 2 dari 5 bintang

This add-on worked fine up until firefox 47. Now it will only detect one monitor. No graphical image for second monitor in menu's - no longer moves window to second monitor when you press the tool-bar button.

UPDATE: My OS is Windows 7 64bit and I am running version 7.2 of your extension. No relative information in the browsers console.

If I manually move the browser to the second monitor, the graphical interface on the tab no longer works. As soon as I move the browser back to my 'main' screen the interface works but I can still only see that monitor.

I changed my main monitor and the problem is reversed.

Ulasan ini dibuat untuk versi pengaya (7.2) sebelumnya.