Chris Kosbab

Tentang saya

Informasi Pengembang
Nama Chris Kosbab
Lokasi S. SJ, Cali.
Pekerjaan Graphic Designer, Systems Engineer, SW Developer
Situs Web
Pengguna sejak Feb. 2, 2011
Jumlah pengaya yang dikembangkan 2 tema
Rata-rata peringkat untuk pengembang pengaya Belum diperingkat

Keterangan lainnya...

I am interested in being helpful to FFox, Mozilla, and to the software user's community, yet advancing my notoriety in development and engineering and/or designing and become successful in my career track(s).
Capable of Designing Graphics:
many and/or most of those known today
Capable of SW development/engineering:
many types - I will not list them as of yet, but intend to be java and flash based among others
Capable of computer services:
via my own company located in San Jose, CA

Thank you for welcoming me and assiting me with tools, information, and collaborators needed for my work!

*note, more of my graphics engineering at the following:

Tampilkan semua

Tema yang Saya Buat

Ulasan Saya

Belum pernah mengulas pengaya.