Riwayat Versi replyTo

2 versi

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Versi 0.2 12.3 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 3.1 - 30.*

New in version 0.2
  • Listbox with mailadresses
    The reply to button in the preview pane has a listbox beneath, that contains all email adresses found in the message. These can be selected for reply to mail.
  • Removal of forward info
    If the message was forwarded by Thunderbird and the forward information is recognized, it will be removed in the reply. This behaviour can be disabled in AddOn's preferences!Adressrecognition at Mouseposition
    The recognition of email adress below mouse pointer (popup menu) is enhanced so that it is not longer necessary to select the email text. Using right mouse button upon email should be sufficient.

Versi 0.1 7.8 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 3.1 - 28.0