Riwayat Versi DeepDark for Thunderbird

16 versi

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Versi 13.1.10 540.9 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Changed the add-on internal "homepage url" in the "manifest.json" file. Now the url leads directly to my website homepage and not anymore on the Thunderbird add-ons website page where my add-on for Thunderbird 68 is hosted.

Versi 13.1.9 540.9 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Fixed > checkbox display behavior in the "junk settings" dialog

Versi 13.1.8 540.9 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Fixed > Unstyled "calendar alarm dialog".

Versi 13.1.7 540.8 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- For Linux > "Dropdown arrow" position for "date/time" menulists in the Lightning "new event/task" window ;
- Non styled "table properties editor" dialog.
- Url bar icon position.

Versi 13.1.5 540.6 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Enforced dark styling for the attachment list even when Thunderbird's built-in "light" theme is enabled. This enhamcement also works when the OS has a light theme and Thunderbird built-in theme is set to "default".

Versi 13.1.4 542.7 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Added dark styling for the various 'Insert' dialogs of the message compositor.

Versi 13.1.3 540.4 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- Unstyled "Offline Download/Sync", "Message Security Info", "Publish", "Run Junk Mail Controls on Folder", "Activity" popups and "Saved Files" in-content page

Versi 13.1.2 525.3 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 69.0

- Unstyled "calendar properties dialog" (in Lightning add-on);
- "Findbar" search box background color for the "not found" state.

Versi 13.1.0 525.2 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- Few unstyled popups ;
- Slightly truncated toolbar buttons when the option "text and icons" is eneabled (for Linux users).

Versi 13.0.6 524.8 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- "Remind Me Later" button appearance (in the notification bar of the "message compositor" window)

Versi 13.0.5 524.6 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Fixed (for Linux):

- Tagged mail color not showing on "unselected-unread-tagged" emails in the thread pane.

Versi 13.0.4 524.6 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- Missing "checkboxes" in the "subscribe" window folders list.

Versi 13.0.3 523.6 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

- Emails notification popup too large width (for Windows users) ;
- White "status bar" and also "alternate tree rows" background (in "Lightning" calendar/task trees, but also in the "thread tree" when "group messages by sort" is enabled) when the OS interface appearance is set to "light" color (Windows and MacOS).

Versi 13.0.2 523.3 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*

Fixed (for Windows and MacOS):

- Tagged mail color not showing on "unselected-unread-tagged" emails in the thread pane.

Versi 13.0.1 525.3 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*


- "Spelling checker" popup window not styled in dark ;
- Missing highlight (on MacOS and Linux) when navigating the "folders tree" or the "threads tree" content after clicking on keyboard "ctrl" or "cmd" and then "up" or "down" buttons ;
- "Folders tree" text dimming when the window is in inactive state.

Versi 13 523.1 KiB Bekerja pada Thunderbird 68.0 - 68.*