3 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Indeed the concept of this ad-on is great! To be honest, I was looking for something like this. But there are certain issues due to this I needed to disable using it.
1. While enabled, it takes lots of time to open message in conversion (right click on any email >> Click open message in conversation
2. The snooze button has no effect. While you click snooze it will keep popping up immediately.
3. Clicking Disable all, disables all the reminders even which are not popped up in the reminder dialog box.
4. You can not specify the snooze time.
5. Its difficult to track snoozed email via the reminder dialog box, if you have moved your message to any other folder, since while showing the snoozed email, it won't take you to the email when you hit that email appeared in the reminder box.
6. Some time, the 'Open message in conversation' get disable and to bring back that, you have to first disable the add-on.
7. There is no option to see list of your email which you 'Set follow-up'

Solving above issue would really going to make a big impact on this add-on.


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