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This extension is absolutely awesome, the ability to write, share and add new buttons is outstanding. It also is really cool for hackers/developers because it provides a shortcut into firefox extension writing for anyone who'd always wanted to but had feared the learning curve. With this extension you can create your own firefox extension literally by clicking on a button!


The security implications are considerate. I wrote a few buttons by now, and I have to say, a button can do absolutely anything!
A hacker could modify the behaviour of other buttons installed, change the way the custombuttons² extension works (to prevent uninstalling a button for example or hide that its still there) and change firefox behaviour visibly and invisibly. You could write a basically harmless and useful button, which one year in the future loads additional code from a URL that then spies out your VISA card # every time u enter it on a webpage and sends it to a russian/chinese server.

Buttons are just links, not signed and not trustworthy, yet with all the power of a full fledged firefox extension. Keep that in mind when installing buttons, and always, always, review their code (Which I think is one of the best features of custombuttons2, you can view the code in the rightclick menu of the button install link without installing it :))

I'd give you five stars for this cool extension, but damn, I have the feeling by installing it I just opened Pandora's box >:>>>

@developers. your webpage is down again!

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

An essential addon. I prefer to have a few functions more easily assessable than they are in the context menu, so buttons are a good way of doing it.

My only gripe is the long context menu when right clicking a button - some folks are quite simple and will never use all those options. Luckily I managed to slim it down.

1 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

This extension simply does not work on a mac running snow leopard. The buttons are totally nonfunctional.

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

there is a small bug .....
i cant hide the menubar when "custom button2" and "Hide Caption" r installed .

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

I'm a huge fan though I only use a few specific buttons. And yay the website is back up.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Since the website has been own, I figured I'd ask here. Can anyone please help me get a code for a button that would open Thunderbird? It's surprising that there isn't already a button for that, but since I don't know JavaScript, I need some help.

The add on is great, by the way, except not very user-friendly for people like me who don't know JavaScript. Although if the website worked, that may not be a problem.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

this add-on has the potential to fix every fx problem or annoyance out there. but i haven't been able to access the web site either. i keep getting the same 403 Forbidden error. even after installing a Greasemonkey script that is supposed to fix the problem, I am unable to access the website. so no downloading buttons or getting help with already installed buttons. any suggestions??

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Extremely useful add-on. I use this add-on extensively to add functionality to the web-ordering system at my job. It is so easy to get a button up and running. The add-on seems to have some built-in functionality, but the website lacks a lot of documentation. I usually read through the forums to get hints and advice. Unfortunately the website has been down for a couple of weeks now ;-(.

Also, PLEASE HELP! About a week ago the OK button just stopped working. I still can edit a button and save it once with the OK button, but if I go to make another change and click the OK button, the editor will not dismiss. Even clicking the Apply button will not make the changes stick. I now have to close and reopen Firefox every time I edit a button. This happened well after I upgraded to 3.5.2. I've even un/re-installed the extension. PLEASE HELP! I LOVE THIS EXTENSION!

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

1 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Does not work in my TB on WinXP 32bit.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

developer's website has been down for over 1 week? what's going on??

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Great addon!
Developer team, please fix this:
Custom buttons2 is not compatible with Thunderbird 3.0 beta 3 released today.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

very good,I have used it for a long time.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

Thanks for the review. Hope to see you around the site!

3 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

The only button I wanted doesn't work. Added it, entered my zip and...nothing. Just going to rank it in the middle since it didn't do what I wanted it to but it does look useful for people who need more buttons. I'll stick with Custom Toolbar Buttons for now - maybe that's why it didn't work, I already have a 'button' add-on.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

If you have an issue with a particular button it is best to report in the buttons post. Buttons are contributed by users like you, so they can sometimes get outdated or have issues that need to be worked out through testing.

Posting here about it will not alert the author to the issue.

2 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

This is an excellent extension to use with Firefox as new buttons can be added to the toolbar Customise option simply by selecting a link on the home page and installing them. However, the documentation is obscure for installing extra buttons for non-Firefox Mozilla applications such as Thunderbird, and installs from the home page automatically add the buttons to Firefox, not other applications. That is why I'm giving this a low rating for Thunderbird - it is not obvious just how to add pre-existing buttons to the application!

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

Laura, glad you like the extension. Sorry you had issues installing into Thunderbird. I believe we answered this question for you when you posted on the forum.
You are welcome to update the rating if you are so obliged. We will be adding that overlooked piece of documentation as time permits.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

I have suggestion to make use of the Custom Buttons 2 optimal. A companion extension can be created to build a menu that can contain the buttons added by custom buttons. This way, as many of the buttons as the user wishes can be added to this menu without making the interface annoyingly cluttered. This extension would do for buttons what PersonalMenu does for menus. I bet if people could organize the buttons neatly into a menu or menus, they would add and use more buttons.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

2 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

it is pretty good but when it is enabled, i cant acess my addons

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

Please post on the site to report the issue. We can't fix the issue you are having without a bit more information than what you are providing.

4 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

CustomButtons2 is what GreaseMonkey or Stylish are: simply essential for customization. Yet it's not "perfect"... YET!...

16x16 small icons, non-square buttons, inability to delete buttons unless added to toolbar, small (current) repository of buttons and similar things make CustomButtons2 need some polishing to be perfect...

Until then for simplicity, bigger icons and completeness you are advised to use "Toolbar Buttons" and/or "Toolbar Extras" addons for Firefox...

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.1). 

Our Icon size is determined by the icon chosen by the button author and is not fixed. They can be square or rectangular based the icon used.

Firefox provides no means to select a custombutton from the "Customize palette" that I am aware of. Deleting a button from a toolbar ensures every opportunity is provided to the operator to select the correct button to delete.

There are approx. 400 buttons residing on our buttons database on http://custombuttons2.com./en-us
More are being added as authors create them.

5 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

Superb overall expansible functionality. I only don't like the official web page much, I hope they're planning to improve it.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.0). 

So sad to hear you don't like the site. We just finished reworking a lot of it a while back. Please let us know what you think it is lacking. We will be glad to make adjustments if they seem appropriate.

There is a tracker for site issues and feature requests:

2 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

The only reason i gave this a 2* is because after uninstalling this everything came back to normal, otherwise expect nothing from me, not until this addon has enough compatibly with other popular addons.

I have more than one hundred addons installed, so i'm not quite sure what might have been causing all this mess, but this addon is NOT doing what is supposed to be doing for me. If the developer would like a more deep inside at what might have been causing this, i will be more than happy to do so.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.0). 

If you would like to submit a bug in our tracker we then we might be able to help you in fixing your issue.

Sorry it doesn't seem to be working well for you.

2 csillagra értékelve az 5-ből

The only reason i gave this a 2* is because after uninstalling this everything came back to normal, otherwise expect nothing from me, not until this addon has enough compatibly with other popular addons.

I have more than one hundred addons installed, so i'm not quite sure what might have been causing all this mess, but this addon is NOT doing what is supposed to be doing for me. If the developer would like a more deep inside at what might have been causing this, i will be more than happy to do so.

Ez az értékelés a kiegészítő előző verziójához készült (3.0.0).