
Reply with subaddress

Reply to a message that was sent to a subaddess with the same address.

Example: Your primary email is [email protected], you receive a mail to the subaddress [email protected], the sender of replies is set to [email protected].

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65 utilisateurs


Adds browser action icon to toolbar to open Telegram. See

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111 utilisateurs


Surligne le texte sélectionné lors de la composition des e-mails. La couleur par défaut est jaune - d’autres couleurs sont disponibles via Options.
(Ne fonctionne que lors de l’écriture d’un e-mail, c.-à-d. uniquement dans la fenêtre de composition)

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39 206 utilisateurs

CatchAll Bird

This extension improves the use of CatchAll-Addresses with Thunderbird.
It handles incoming messages addressed to all [email protected] for a fixed domain.
For each prefix the AddOn can create a new identity and folder.

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85 utilisateurs


Recently is a small Mozilla Thunderbird extension for having the most recent contacts at hand

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66 utilisateurs

Unicodify – Text transformer

Easily and quickly autocorrect common symbols as ¼, transform text to “Unicode fonts” and change the casing.

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336 utilisateurs


It permits just with a single click to copy an emoji.
There is a search-box and the "Most used emojis" section (the first one).

If you want to send feedback or report bug, please go to

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5 476 utilisateurs


Prendi appunti su tutte le email!

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125 utilisateurs

Mark Read on Reply

Mark messages as read when you replied to them.

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145 utilisateurs

Simple Template

You will be able to create and automatically insert templates for each account.

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273 utilisateurs

Copy Address

Copy email address to clipboard.

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1 768 utilisateurs

Étendez les listes de diffusion

Ajoute un bouton «Étendez listes» à la fenêtre de composition. Il remplace les listes de diffusion par leurs contacts.

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762 utilisateurs

FileLink Provider for Dropbox

Uploads your large attachments to your Dropbox instead of sending them by email. This uses Thunderbird's FileLink feature.

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53 625 utilisateurs

Mail Merge P

Mail Merge P (Mail Merge with Preview) is a Thunderbird add-on to send bulk emails based on data provided in a spreadsheet. It uses the nunjucks templating engine.

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Update 2023: This addon will be replaced by "arcus".

Modern encryption in Thunderbird

** Currently in testing phase **
What you can do:
1. Set your secret key and automatically decrypt emails
2. Generate a new key pair
3. Encrypt plain text

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4 utilisateurs

Advanced Composer

Creates quote header in Ms Outlook style, message templates, signatures, message recipient groups, and more.

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432 utilisateurs

RepSel: Reply to all selected mails

Reply to all selected messages with a single button press. E.g., compose a reply to all emails in a folder or those matching a search. Req. permissions: menues to add UI, messageRead to get sender, compose to add recipients, storage for settings.

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122 utilisateurs


You can prepare four fixed phrases, select them when composing an email, and insert them in the body of the email.

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32 utilisateurs

Limiter les destinataires non cachés

Vérifiez que le nombre total de destinataires non cachés (POUR ou COPIE) ne dépasse pas un paramètre.

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825 utilisateurs


When reply to all is used, move original To: recipients to Cc:
Also forces "Cc:" to be displayed on all new messages.

GitHub Repo:

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730 utilisateurs