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J'ai un soucis avec la dernière version de Thunderbird. j'utilise le module complémentaire Google Contacts 0.7.12 pour synchroniser mon carnet d'adresse
avec Thunderbird et depuis 15 jours maintenant il refuse de prendre mon mot de passe en compte. j'ai supprimé le module et réinstallé, rien à faire.

A chaque fois que je redémarre TB il me redemande le mot de passe de google contact , je le met et il me le redemande sans cesse je dois faire annuler pour continuer

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При запуске Thunderbird появляется окно аутентификации, пароль не принимается :(((

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Same here. Google API change, doesn't work any more

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Goto : gContactSync

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JakeV - many thanks. I've installed gContactSync and it is working.

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Used it for a long time, but since May 2015, it hasn't work, with an endless loop of windows requesting log on to Google Contacts despite using the correct account password and even the one time passwords in Google for accounts with 2-Step verification turned on.

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For a week, the password is asked without stopping and without end.
No new developer!
I ended up leaving the "Add-on" and for those interested, replacing I took "gContactSync"

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Some time ago this was a pretty useful add-on, but for a while it does no longer work at all, as the user is asked for the Google contacts password in an endless loop.

No visible reaction from the developer despite numerous disastrous reports, so it seems that the application is no longer maintained. It was reported that the Google API that the add-on used (and which seemingly was now switched off) was marked as deprecated for years!

Besides the current severe problem this does not inspire trust that "simple" security problems would be handled appropriately, so even in case the app would be updated to work again I will longer trust my personal address book to this add-on, sorry.

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Doesn't work anymore.

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I liked this add-on, but It stopped working since the last week of May 2015, please fix.

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Login does not work. Google API change?

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I used this plugin for a long time, but it stopped working the other day due to the changes in how Google is handling contacts and API access.

euromonkey - search for gcontactsync
That plugin does work and allows you to sync your contacts with TB even after the changes. I just installed it myself.

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Does not work anymore. Google upgraded to OAuth2.0 and announced the change 2 years in advance. Google Contacts didn't stay current and won't work at all. I'll change my review when the issue is fixed. Appears the developer has abandoned the add-on which is a real shame since it worked great.

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Looks like dont work the last days.

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Was very useful.
Then Google set the Oauth token connection through all its services and many third party app's did not.

Other non recommended workaround is to lower down the security level of your google account.

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Fix for Contacts password request is to disable google contacts add on and switch to google contacts sync add on. Works just fine now.

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Since a few days ago, aprox. May 25th, TB keeps asking password to sincronize TB with Google contacts. Tried correct password, tried to delete account and renew password, and nothing...keeps with same problem. Seems that unfortunately this add on is not working anymore between TB and Google contacts.

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Broken as of today.

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Noté 4 sur 5 étoiles

Très bonne appli, mais ne fonctionne plus depuis le 27 mai 2015. A chaque démarrage de Thunderbird, le mot de passe Gmail est demandé mais le saisir ne sert à rien, il n'est pas accepté. Est-ce dû à la nouvelle version du module contacts sur Gmail ? Quoi qu'il en soit, il est urgent de faire quelque chose car on ne peut plus utiliser Thunderbird dans ces conditions, surtout si comme moi on a une base unique de contacts sur Gmail, partagée avec Thunderbird et un smartphone Androïd.