
À propos de moi

Information développeur
Nom Geezer1984
Utilisateur depuis mai 10, 2014
Nombre de modules développés 0 modules
Moyenne des notes des modules du développeur Pas encore évalué

Mes critiques

100 Search Engines for Firefox

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

Just a follow-on to my comments of 10 May 2014. This meta-engine continues to do an outstanding job in the current version of FF, running under Win 7-32 and -64 Ultimate. (Yeah, I know ... .) Zero prob's so far. Good, de-cluttered returns, often with hits I don't get with the you-know-who engines. Highly recommended.

Cet utilisateur a 3 critiques précédentes de ce module.

100 Search Engines for Firefox

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

100 SE4FF is an outstanding addition to my FF configuration (now at FF29). I've been using this search aggregator for several years; it's always worked flawlessly on XP, using a very good AV suite. I fully endorse the observations of other 5-star reviews; saves work while cutting crap. Highly recommended. Will be upgrading to Win7 soon, & get back here if I see issues.

Cet utilisateur a d’autres critiques de ce module.