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This plugin is a must-have alongside a Gnome 3 desktop.. it makes Firefox look as pretty and polished as it deserves to on the prettiest desktop-manager out there. Well done!

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Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.2.
Полёт хороший. Расширение лучше чем Caption, так как у меня второй при старте браузера всегда запускал в окне. Этот режим отображения окна не меняет. Давно бы пора этот бесполезный заголовок убрать из Лисы, тем самым сэкономив хорошую часть места на экране. Зачем заголовок, если можно просто посмотреть название вкладки?

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Really nice getting back some of the wasted screen real estate. This should be included by default (win has this behaviour already).

- Ubuntu 15.10, Gnome 3.16, FF 42

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Очень не хватало этого дополнения. Теперь любимый ff выглядит под linux отлично.

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very usefull

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thanks!! my iceweasel look better now on gnome 3

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Does exactly what it is supposed to do !! great work !!

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It works and doesn't cause any problems at all

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It even works well under KDE, Pantheon!

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I'd love to have an option to move window controls to the left

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Estou usando o firefox 40 no lubuntu em um netbook de 12" com essa ferramenta ganho bastante espaço na tela.
Mega, ultra power extensão.....

Cet utilisateur a une critique précédente de ce module.

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

exactly what you need under Gnome 3! Hope this will soon added natively to Firefox.

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在gnome 3 使用firefox 必备。谢谢。

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Thanks for posting it, now my Firefox looks as expected :)

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Finally, Firefox looks good on Fedora!

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Great! Works very well.

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Seems to work just fine with MATE DE

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (3.3.1-signed.1-signed). 

Noté 2 sur 5 étoiles

When the window is snapped to the sides there is no close, restore, minimize buttons!

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (3.3.1-signed.1-signed). 

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

Works impressively in kde as well. You just have to add a rule to the window manager settings disabling firefox titlebar

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (3.3.1-signed.1-signed). 

Noté 5 sur 5 étoiles

Now when i use Htitle with Gnome theme 34.1 (and gnome theme tweak extension 34.1) , windows control disappears

Firefox 34
Fedora 21 32 bits
Debian testing 64 bits

Edit : i use gnome 3.14 with Fedora 21 and Debian testing.
htitle with gnome theme 34.1 is working on ubuntu 14.04 with gnome 3.10.

Thank you.

Cette critique concerne une version précédente du module (2.13.1-signed.1-signed).  Cet utilisateur a 2 critiques précédentes de ce module.

What is yours GNOME version?

With 3.14 you _MUST_ use the latest beta version of HTitle (3.2b3), because GNOME's developers changed the key what used for store window's buttons layout.