Rated 1 out of 5 stars

tested on ff3.5. it doesnt applied

ive tried : regex : "^https?://addons.mozilla.org/.*" source=false, allow=false, dns error=false

i also tried in my apache+php server : header("Location: http://www.example.com/xxx"); /* Redirect browser */;
then noredirect regex : "^http://www.example.com/.*" source=false, allow=false, dns error=false

i tried source=true, allow=false, dns error=false
i tried source=false, allow=false, dns error=true

it never works, no notice like : https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/previews/full/32/32198.png?modified=1331247702

oh dear ... how to make it work ? thanks

NB: why there is no option for import/export list ?