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Name whatttup_G
User since March 13, 2015
Number of add-ons developed 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Not yet rated

My Reviews

mms Auto Correct

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Good: almost like the phone autocorrect where you can get most common mistakes fixed. If it worked great, it would allow you to be a lazy typer, adding the capitals and periods for you, something that should be automated by now (2015)

Bad: whenever a word is repaired by this add-on, it also inserts that same word into the beginning of my email, keeping a running list of corrections to begin your letter. This has been tough for me to catch every time, so I'm going to disable the add-on instead of having to religiously proofread every outbound message. I dislike having to CAP and punctuate everything since the advent of the smart phone, but I am unable to proof the Dear whoever part of my own emails, when I reread my stuff. Thus we're close, but no cigar as this double word stuff makes me a worse emailer. Also, the auto CAPS works after the first sentence, but not on the first sentence so, not supposed to report bugs here but, it's buggy.

Would rate 5/5 if it worked right, love the concept, can't fathom why this has to be an add-on still, I predict in a few years email composition on a PC will have more brain to go with its spell check like cell phones are now, and things like this will no longer be an issue.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.3).