
Acerca de mí

Información del desarrollador
Nombre Bianca_Rodel
Usuario desde Dic. 2, 2023
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
Calificación media de sus complementos Sin puntuar aún

Mis revisiones

Full Address Column

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Like otheres already pointed out I need the feature of having columns that show the real email addresses of the senders as well as of the recepients. So since this addon and its predecessors enabled this feature I can only rate *****.

Nevertheless in order to make this feature reappear again complaining here is the wrong place.

May it either be done in the future by an addon or by a full hard coded implementation into a future version of Thunderbird I also support the idea to add the request under the official bug tracking sources like

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.0.4).