Historial de versiones de FavLoc

5 versiones

¡Ten cuidado con las versiones antiguas!

Estas versiones se muestran con propósitos de referencia y pruebas. Debes usar siempre la última versión de un complemento.

Versión 1.2 44.0 KiB Funciona con Firefox 1.5 - 56.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.1.*

# Adds support for Firefox 3
# Changes format of unique filenames from "file.png (1)" to "file (1).png"
# Resolves conflicts with some other extensions

Versión 1.1 24.0 KiB Funciona con Firefox 1.5 - 3.0a2, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

# Added locales: hu-HU, ko-KR, sk-SK
# Added support for Thunderbird 1.5-2.0b2, Firefox 3.0a2
# FavLoc now supports Thunderbird for saving attachments!
# File overwrite protection: Choose whether to always overwrite, always make unique, always manually rename, or always ask
# Added option to automatically select last saved location in download prompts
# Added option to automatically select FavLoc in download prompts
# Re-designed executable download prompt to be more compatible with other extensions
# FavLoc now uses an XPCOM component

Versión 1.0.7 14.0 KiB Funciona con Firefox 1.5 - 3.0a1

- Added locales: da-DK, de-DE, es-AR, es-ES, fa-IR, fr-FR, hr-HR, it-IT, nl-NL, pt-BR
- Added support for Firefox 2.0 executable download dialog

Versión 1.0.6 7.0 KiB Funciona con Firefox 1.5 - 3.0a1

This version of FavLoc adds a Settings tab on the Options window to select which menus FavLoc appears on, separates the image and link context menus, and cleans up the code/packaging for faster loading.

Additionally, support for Firefox 2.0, 3.0a1, and Flock has been added.

See the full changelog at http://favloc.fligtar.com.

Versión 1.0.5 10.0 KiB Funciona con Firefox 1.5 - 2.0a1