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CerrarHistorial de versiones de EMail Address Crawler
4 versiones
¡Ten cuidado con las versiones antiguas!
Estas versiones se muestran con propósitos de referencia y pruebas. Debes usar siempre la última versión de un complemento.
Versión 1.8.0
Due to outdated strings and problems with localizing popup messages, the Support for russion and french has been removed for the time beeing.
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia pública Mozilla, versión 1.1
Versión 1.7.6
Removed unnecessary subversion files
Mayor restructuring of the code.
This version has no new features and fixes only some minor bugs.
It is a preparation for the support of Thunderbird 3
The code has been completely reworked, its readability has been enhanced a lot. Thus hopefully reducing review time in the future.
And it has been made more compatible with other addons by introducing namespaces.
New Feature: You can now decide if subfolders should be included
New Feature: The Reply-To can be choosen, too
New Feature: Additional to filling the found addresses into an addressbook you now also can directly send an E-Mail to those addresses vie CC or BCC
- Código fuente publicado bajo Licencia pública Mozilla, versión 1.1
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