Spam Spam Bacon Spam

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Información del desarrollador
Nombre Spam Spam Bacon Spam
Usuario desde Jul. 17, 2011
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

Soft Aqua

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Very nice and soothing.
Thank you for not making the fonts shadowed!

Color Folders

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I refused to give up on this extension so I disabled all of my extensions and re-enabled them one by one.

I found out which extension makes color folders stop working.

The extension that causes color folders to not work is [excuse me, this PC is taken. I'm writing a review online... go find your own PC, bud, k? ... holy sh!@$#!! is that a gun??!?! Wait! I won't sa... argh!!!!!!!! blech. splat. thud. ...... ...... .... .. . . . .

°gasp°... barely lifts head;...... whispers;..... tasks & mails.... thud.

Previous review:

I hate to give it one star, as I don't actually know how well it works.

It's in the context menu for folders, but clicking it doesn't change a thing.

Maybe it's a test of the human species -- to see how many times humans will click on something that doesn't give a reward, before giving up?

I'm running TB v 38.2.0 and leaving now to get some M&Ms...

Multi Links

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Have FF 39 on all my machines (God help me, I have one netbook in my workshop that has FF 35 and I'm loathe to let it update....) and this works perfectly.
Each option works like it's supposed to, nothing quirky, etc.

Anyways, I don't know what AnonA2 was having a problem with, but Multi Links is working fine with 39. :D

Custom Buttons

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I created individual buttons for places I go to often..
I used images from my own PC so the button is easily identifiable.

If you aren't sure how to create a new button, go to the developer's pages.
I "borrowed" some basic buttons, which I then was able to modify...creating my own. :)

I didn't have to learn anything difficult, and if you just need need basic "click the button, go here" capability, then Custom Buttons is fine.
You *CAN* get more complex control of your buttons, if you WISH, but creating a simple button is... well... very simple.

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (