
Acerca de mí

Información del desarrollador
Nombre JohnSpartan
Ubicación Chicago
Usuario desde Ago. 15, 2016
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
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Mis revisiones

Send and File

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I only recently sought out a solution to my problem of mailbox bloat. Based on my current role, it is critical for me to retain a trail of email documentation for interactions conducted with numerous parties.

However, in so doing, I found that my Inbox, Sent Box, and other folders were beginning to suffer from bloat and disorganization.

This add-on has helped immediately -- on sending emails in Thunderbird, I am able to immediately file messages to either permanent archival folders, into "timed" archive folders which I delete on a periodic schedule, or into the Trash folder. Of significant use is the ability to file both my sent message and the message I'm replying to at the same time.

I have seen a marked difference in bloat in my inbox and sent boxes. I attribute this improvement to the Send and File addon.
