Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

The rationale behind this add-on is to facilitate convenience. In order to attain convenience though you need to install another toolbar, therefore elminiating the visual space for reading emails. It would be much much better if the designer considered about adding a drop-down list, with priority setting, and a right-click function (why is this missing from the current design???) that should be located in the mail toolbar or integrated into another main toolbar.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (1.0.0) abgegeben. 

Thank you for the review.

Just uploaded a new version 1.1.0 including a menu at the top. This lets you toggle the toolbar off and still have access to your eMarks. I hope this is more convenient for you. I would welcome your comments and feedback.

Best regards,