Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Just installed this add-on by advice from Thunderbird itself.
When I try to add an account from both the account-wizard as the add-on itself. It says there is a problem with my cookie-settings, they ALL have to be enabled.

--- Update: 1 ---
As the developer explained (below here), I quote: "This is not coming from us, but we found that the Microsoft and third party authentication web pages do not work properly, if you restrict cookies".
So they should be:
* Third party cookies: 'Always';
* Save them until: 'They are outdated'.
Note: I had the save them until option on 'Until I close Thunderbird' but is has to be outdated.
There is also NO reason to change other security-settings in Thunderbird.

Now I have no trouble reading my e-mail trough this add-on, so the stars go up!

At you can find an e-mail-address for support, there is no FAQ-page which to me comes unhandy, but hey, I'm not the developer of Owl ;o)

--- Update: 2 ---
The main Exchange-calendar/agenda is added automatically when you create a new account.
The same goes for the main address book.
You just have to search for them, as they are created by their default name (which I always rename for personal use and overview).

Note: At the moment of writing, you can only connect tot the main calendar and main address book.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons ( abgegeben. 

Hi Charlie,

it's true that Owl requires that cookies to be enabled. This is not coming from us, but we found that the Microsoft and third party authentication web pages do not work properly, if you restrict cookies. If you get this message that your cookie settings are not correct, you need to change your settings to accept "All" cookies, "until they expire", and then it should work.

We got many and repeated bug reports from people who complained about having to log in over and over again, and we found out that the cookie settings were the problem. That's why we added this check during setup. We want to make sure that a config that you set up now is also actually going to still work tomorrow. So, this limitation doesn't come from us, but from Microsoft.

We do have a support email address, and we try to answer on a best effort basis. But please consider that we can do any that much for less than 1 USD/month.