Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

As points out, it needs things like an import/export blacklist facility.

And more importantly, it breaks data: pages as used by Privacy Badger to manage import/export of its list.

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

This is good, but it lacks important things: Option to save the list because I created a list on another PC and I can not bring the list created to my PC. A better management of this list, with option to select what you want to delete, edit, sometimes the site only changes the name, so I need to edit the list. SUMMARY: I think the amateur extension!

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Очень удобно

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen

It just keeps asking me to install it over and over in a loop. I think it's installed, but I can't find any blacklist or any indication of yesscript in the toolbar or anywhere else. Either it doesn't work or they don't give the right instructions.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

great work!!!

finally i can browse the web stable and quickly again without this increasing "website hanging". today i blacklist 90% of all websites after i'm visiting it the first time, and specially when i see that those "javascript-hackers" trying to fingerprint me.
i would like to see in the preferences a option to set the blacklisting as default, this way i would review first the website before i give it green light and unblock it, so it can use my processing resources. i would as well save time not to block new sites all the time.
luckily this is the only add-ons what save it for further visits.

anyhow, thanks for this contribution

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

It works miracles on Pages load much faster. No more infinite circle spinning.

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen

This add-on doesn't do a thing. Scripts still running on the blacklisted pages. Just use built-in debugger and stop script execution to see the difference.

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

Some sites use JavaScript to override forward slash key for their search. Just click on YesScript toolbar icon to put them on black list and you'll have your keyboard shortcut back.
Simple as that.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Love this simple add-on for what it does. Needs 2 improvements:
- The icon is ugly as sin! How about something like a simple round red/green circle (flat or 3D) to indicate site blacklisted (red) or whitelisted (green)?
- Needs some sort of a back-up and restore feature of user created blacklists so its easier to re-install on other machines or do a local restore if needed. This is a must!

After this, 5 stars! Keep up the great work!

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

The add-on works as expected, and I tend to concur with the author's design philosophy; however I find rather limited usefulness owing to the lack of granularity. It would be wonderful if one could control exactly which scripts are disabled, as many sites use a great many, a number of which are essential to the functioning of the content on the page.
NoScript can be quite paranoid... you must go through a tedious trial of enabling scripts on many sites that use a bucketload of them, and it would be much easier if I could simply kill of the few I know to be hogging the page. I believe a tool such as YesScript would be much more useful if it behaved much like the Other One, but in reverse. The problem is that many noxious scripts aren't loaded until other requisite scripts are running, and this leads to the "enable/test/enable_another_one/test_again" cycle of NoScript.
I'll keep this handy, and I hope to see another "fatter" version in the future, keep up the good work!

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Если бы Автор догадался убрать UI своего аддона в Информация о странице > Разрешения, было бы совсем хорошо.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

I find the WIkipedia fundraising banners annoying, and I guess I'm not the only one.
The easiest way to get rid of the banners is to install YesScript, and to turn off javascript for Wikipedia. If you are using the English-language wikipedia, just add to the blacklist. And the annoying wikipedia fundraising ads are gone!

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 3 von 5 Sternen

The only reason I got this was because of the constant script errors caused by abs.twimg.

It does not do anything to prevent these. I get script errors from this every other day on the latest Firefox.

However, Firefox no longer hogs memory like it used to, so I'll take that.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 5 von 5 Sternen

This add-on is excellent.
It solved a huge adware pop-up problem I was having on
Thanx so much for developing it.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen

I only wanted to block one site. I added the address of the site, but the script still runs when I go to the site.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Hi, I have used YesScript for some time and enjoyed it very much as it is a simple script-blocker that doesn't carry all the bells and whistles of NoScript.

However, I would like to point out a problem I encountered recently when using Google search. I blacklist Google in YesScript, in order to stop the annoying suggested search terms from popping up in the search bar on Google's home page. But when I do this, add-ons that "clean up" Google's tracking codes for search results, such as Clean Links and Redirect Remover, no longer work, and uBlock/Adblock Latitude no longer blocks ads. The only way I can keep blocking ads and trackable search links on Google is to turn off YesScript, but that means I can't block the JavaScripts that cause the auto-suggestions to appear.

Is this a problem with YesScript itself, or possibly with the new Pale Moon version, or... what do you think? That's what I'm using, on Win7 x64 (with the 64-bit Pale Moon browser, v26.0.3).

Thanks again for a great add-on. I hope you're able to reproduce this error so that I can have YesScript and other great privacy add-ons working on Google at the same time. Cheers!

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

A VERY NICE ADD-ON but No blacklist can be exported/imported. When the blacklist can be exported/imported, YesScript can get positively FIVE STARS.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 1 von 5 Sternen

Not in the toolbar, not in customize!

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen

Yesscript works quite well for browsing yahoo. The difficulty starts when I try to write something regardless of whether I disable icon. Can not write to yahoo boards in a normal manner. Makes yesscript useless for me. After all these years I am going to ditch firefox and go back to msft.

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben. 

Bewertet mit 4 von 5 Sternen

Drudge kept reloading every two seconds. I put this on and Drudge loads once. Perfect.
Lately you tube has not been working. Apparently, you tube needs JavaScript now so it doesn't work unless I disable it.
Any solutions?

Diese Bewertung wurde für eine vorherige Version des Add-ons (2.1.1-signed.1-signed) abgegeben.