
Toggle Proxy Vyžaduje restart

The move to Webextensions by Mozilla for Firefox 57+ has made it impossible to modify about:config, this holds Firefox proxy settings. Therefore, this and many other addons will become obsolite from Firefox 57+ onwards unless Mozilla update the API.

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2 uživatelé

TitleCase For Thunderbird Vyžaduje restart

Transform strings into Title Case, Proper Case, Start Case, Camel Case, Upper Case, and Lower Case. Highlight your text and only changing what you highlighted.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (14)
225 uživatelů


Nastavuje prohlížeč dle doporučení bezpečnostních expertů.

Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček (3)
0 uživatelů


Quick access to add-on functions from a toolbar panel: Options, (De)Activate, Details, Home page, Review page, Donation page, Uninstall, Restart application.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček (5)
2 uživatelé