
LookOut Vyžaduje restart

LookOut is a plugin which allows Thunderbird to interface with Microsoft's mail tools by decoding metadata and attachments encapsulated/embedded in a TNEF encoded attachment (aka winmail.dat).

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1 442 uživatelů

GuifiProxy Vyžaduje restart

Simple proxy manager
- Change proxy with two clicks
- Import and export proxies lists
- Manually add, delete and edit proxies
- Automatic authentication on proxies (bypass popup with login and password)
- Proxysel replacement

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0 uživatelů

Download Status Bar

If you are the kind of person who likes to have total control over every aspect of your downloads, "Download Status Bar" is the add-on you are looking for.

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80 uživatelů

Dafizilla Table2Clipboard Vyžaduje restart

Mozilla applications allow to select rows and columns from a table simply pressing Control key and picking rows/columns with left mouse button.
The selection can be copied to clipboard but the original table disposition is lost making ugly results wh...

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17 uživatelů

关闭即最小化 Vyžaduje restart

Use this to Minimize
A remake of the MinimizeToTray-extension made to fit the Windows 10 taskbar. Instead of minimize the window to the tray it minimize it to the taskbar.

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1 uživatel

Indic IME Vyžaduje restart

Indic IME toolbar facilitates typing in Indian Languages in web pages...

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0 uživatelů

MinimizeToTray Vyžaduje restart

Minimizes Mozilla windows into the system tray. Also includes a right clickable tray icon menu to further load only the windows you want visible...

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0 uživatelů

AutoCopy Vyžaduje restart

Select text and it's automatically copied to the clipboard. Also pastes on middle click.

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4 uživatelé

Quote Colors Vyžaduje restart

Quote Colors allows you to select text and background colors of different quote levels which are applied when reading or printing mail/news messages. Additionally, you can choose between graphical and traditional plain text quoting display mode.

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145 uživatelů

Minimize On Start and Close Vyžaduje restart

A remake of the MinimizeToTray-extension made to fit the Windows 7 taskbar. Instead of minimize the window to the tray it minimize it to the taskbar. It can minimize on startup, when the window is closed and/or when the esc key is pressed.

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139 uživatelů

Custom Buttons Vyžaduje restart

Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons...

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24 uživatelů

Music World Anonymous Quick Button Vyžaduje restart

A quick button link to MusicWorldAnonymous.com. Music World Anonymous is a site about helping bands find fans for free!

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0 uživatelů

EMail Address Crawler Vyžaduje restart

Automatically fill your address books or send mass mails with e-mail addresses extracted from all your e-mails.

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15 uživatelů

Firesizer Vyžaduje restart

Allows you to resize the window to specific dimensions.

NOTE: Users of Firefox 29 and above must install "The Addon Bar" extension to use this, as Firesizer uses the add-on bar that has been removed in Firefox 29.

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18 uživatelů

MR Tech Disable XPI Install Delay Vyžaduje restart

Disables default delay when installing...

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0 uživatelů

Signature /Auto Paste /Prefill Fourms Vyžaduje restart

Makes everyday entries to forms & forums simpler!
Add a sig. with just a Rclick of the mouse and select 'Add Sig.' from the context menu.
(Please, note: What you see in the pic is only an example. ThoseRMine Sorry, you have to make your own tabs. )

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42 uživatelů

ThunderBrowse Vyžaduje restart

Did your friend send you a cool link? Want to read the rest of that interesting article? Don't want to open up your web browser just to view it? You don't have to! Just view it in Thunderbird with ThunderBrowse!

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69 uživatelů

Asciidoctor for Thunderbird Vyžaduje restart

Type some text in your mail's body, hit the asciidoctor button and transform your mail into a pretty html5 asciidoctor document. Font awesome and code highlighting are enabled.

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1 uživatel

Thunderbird Message Filter Import/Export Vyžaduje restart

Rozšíření pro import a export třídících filtrů.

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6 uživatelů

MozLab Vyžaduje restart

Remote shell and test-driven development tool for Mozilla developers

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5 uživatelů