
Complete master password Vyžaduje restart

The goal is to avoid to have to enter the master password on application startUp.
The extension is not self-sufficient, a script has to extract the master for a secure storage like gnome-keyring, then to transfer it through an environment variable.

1 uživatel

Thunderbird Pedophile Reporter Vyžaduje restart

This add-on was created to allow anyone that is contacted by a suspected pedophile or suspected predator. This will gather the header information and send it to our servers to be reviewed by an investigator.

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček (3)
0 uživatelů

X-Spam-Score Column Vyžaduje restart

Adds a column for the X-Spam-Score header.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček (1)
9 uživatelů