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ZavřítRecenze RequestPolicy Continued od uživatele TruthInAdvertising
Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček
Like other users, I have seen an allowing of scripts I would have expected to be blocked.
Does anyone associated with RequestPolicy Continued have a relationship with commercial entities that might explain this change or fault in functionality?
I have removed "RequestPolicy Continued" for the time being, but will revise this review once clarified.
Be detailed!
«Like other users, ...»
Which other users are you talking about?
«I have seen an allowing of scripts I would have expected to be blocked.»
RequestPolicy is not about blocking scripts—NoScript would be for that—but rather requests.
«Does anyone associated with RequestPolicy Continued have a relationship with commercial entities that might explain this change or fault in functionality?»
Which commercial entities?
Which fault?
Update your comment and I'll take a look at the issue.
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