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Jméno TruthInAdvertising
Zaregistrován(a) od Čer. 3, 2015
Počet vyvíjených doplňků 0 doplňků
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RequestPolicy Continued

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček

Like other users, I have seen an allowing of scripts I would have expected to be blocked.

Does anyone associated with RequestPolicy Continued have a relationship with commercial entities that might explain this change or fault in functionality?

I have removed "RequestPolicy Continued" for the time being, but will revise this review once clarified.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0.beta12.3). 


Ohodnoceno 2 z 5 hvězdiček

RequestPolicy is consuming 4Mb of memory for ... I don't know what.

If I am using another extension such as uBlock Origin, is RequestPolicy even relevant any more?

Thank you for any clarification you can provide users

About:about Button

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček

Like others, this was looking good, but had no scroll (or ability to hide/delete unused "abouts").

No response from developer on scrolling bug despite his June 18, 2015 statement it was fixed and had been submitted. 18 months on, no update.

Hope something takes up this project, as currently dead

User Agent Switcher

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček

Right now, has been disabled for a week over numerous restarts ... but still exists in my menu bar and still starts up each time firefox does.

VERY disconcerting