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simplemente el mejor

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0.1). 

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Hi there. I found some bad bug. When FF 3.0 crashes with Newsfox running and reloading and after restart I see:
loadFeed(): bla-bla.com
TypeError: root is undefined.

FF 3.0 (2008050906) + NewsFox 1.1


Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0.1). 

Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček

newsfox has all the features i need in an RSS reader, with one glaring exception: it has no newspaper view for unread feeds. unfortunately this makes it unusable for me. as many feeds as i subscribe to, it just wastes way too much time to click every feed item to read it. i really wish i could make this my primary rss reader, but until it gets a newspaper view i just can't.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0.1). 

Wow! I can't imagine clicking even 5% of article titles, which is why newspaper view takes 10-100 times as long to read for me as with NewsFox. If I feed doesn't provide meaningful titles, I don't subscribe. Someone else may eventually put in newspaper view, but not the current developers.

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I am not cutting your rating down because this seems to be a great add-on,I am running firefox 3.0 and the problem I am having is that I can not delete group? In other words once it is added it is there for life the delete has no effect on this.
If you have an explanation for this please post it.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0.1). 

Only the FEEDS group that contains all your feeds can't be deleted. See https://www.mozdev.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=18704.

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Hervorragendes Programm, um über große Mengen aktueller Infos den Überblick zu behalten. Ist bei mir die Startseite mit den wichtigsten aktuellen Schlagzeilen.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0). 

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Hervorragendes Programm, um über große Mengen aktueller Infos den Überblick zu behalten. Ist bei mir die Startseite mit den wichtigsten aktuellen Schlagzeilen.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0). 

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Five Star addon! Very easy, uncluttered and fast, but beside a good UI this addon is way better than the built-in RSS Firefox manager. NewsFox even detects new RSS! (Sorry if my English is bad, my first language is Portuguese)

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0). 

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Great add-on, it replaced WizzRSS some time ago and will most likely never be replaced again. :)

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (1.0). 

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I was pretty used to the RSS reader built into IE7. This week I wiped Windows and installed Ubuntu with Firefox. Wizz RSS was frustrating. NewsFox is simple, intuitive and much faster than IE7 RSS reader.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

Ohodnoceno 1 z 5 hvězdiček

In my humble opinion this add-on sucks. There are a lot of feeds which give errors with Newsfox:
downloadsquad, make magazine and so on...
Besides that, images are not automatically visible.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

http://www.downloadsquad.com/rss.xml works fine(when valid, which is definitely not always).
http://blog.makezine.com/index.xml works fine.
Images visible.
Flash visible.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček

Искала дополнения для просмотра RSS-лент... Но когда увидела NewsFox - влюбилась с первого взгляда и поиск остановился. Все сделано очень удобно, интуитивно понятно, ничего лишнего и в тоже время есть все необходимые функции (особенно меня порадовала возможность группировать в папки). Огромное спасибо!
Единственное пожелание к разработчикам: сделайте, пожайлуста, так, чтобы открывалось в новой вкладке, а не активной

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

Для открытия в другой вкладке достаточно уже существующей функциональности Firefox: клик средней кнопкой (или колесиком) мышки. Этот вариант работает на закладках, ссылках, и т.д.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček

Best RSS Reader I've found so far. :)

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček

I really enjoy the reader's ability to handle password protected feeds. Makes it easy to transfer information to various sites via our own secure RSS. I'd request you add the ability to print articles directly from NewsFox without having to browse to the feed source, log in again, and print from there.


Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

In Firefox3 you can select print this frame from the context menu within the view-pane and it will work. If you are printing a web page, it will print without remote CSS files(as if you'd chosen save html only and printed the result). In NewsFox1.0, you can do the same with ctrl-alt-uparrow.


'TypeError:bgSaverPref has no properties' error on startup/restart of Firefox is related to NewsFox, because, when the plugin is removed the error then goes away.

So, when you see someone say the error isn't as a result of this extention being installed ... they don't know what they are talking about. It is!

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.4). 

I\'ll admit to not knowing what I\'m talking about. It sounds like you and gids(in discussions) both have subscribed to the same feed and that NewsFox and the feed have trouble interacting. Without knowing which feed it is, there is no way to tell what the problem is caused by. If you know which feed and post it to the discussions, or to bugzilla (http://bugzilla.mozdev.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=newsfox) , we can try and find what causes the problem. If you don\'t know the feed, you could post an OPML file at bugzilla. So the problem might be caused by NewsFox, or might be caused by a bad feed. \r\n

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček

Nice add-on. Manages feeds well and is clean/neat. I am, however, having difficulty making the offline content feature work properly. The news feeds do not appear to be cached locally and cannot be read when I am not connected to the internet. This is unfortunate, as it is my primary reason for using the add-on. I have searched through the config settings for NewsFox and cannot locate any setting related to offline use.. Help would be much appreciated, otherwise will have to find a different add-on.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.3). 

You can read the content that is in the feed offline, but not html content elsewhere. The content in the feed has \'display style\'=text. Many \'feeds\' don\'t have much content in the feed itself.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček

Thanx for returning the View In Pane. Now NewsFox is back to being the best reader out there. And nice touch with the Save feeds. I never thought much about that but it should come in very handy. Just PLEASE do not remove the View In Pane feature in future releases.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.3). 


Guys, for the love of all that is good, PLEASE reinstate the "delete means delete" functionality as it was in previous releases, or at least give the user the option to delete an article with the delete key, rather than just striking it out. I cannot express strongly enough the white-hot intensity with which I detest the new behavior. Hate is far too mild a word. Contempt doesn't even come close. I'd rather have bamboo shot under my fingernails while being tasered and pepper sprayed than have to keep switching folders (then switching back) to get rid of the articles I've deleted. This [mis]feature is a total deal killer for me. I thought my quest for a good feed reader was over, but now it looks like my search starts again from scratch. Blecchh...

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.2). 

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Fist, let me say that NewsFox is the best RSS reader out there, and I have been living on NewsFox since it first came out, but the change to opening a new window/tab when clicking on the feed\'s url from showing it in the subpane is totally impossible to work with. I\'ve already read the \'inventor\'s\' comment that he doesn\'t think anyone should want to read a feed that way. Wrong. I\'ll never give up NewFox, but I\'m sticking with 0.8 until the NewsFox creators give the users the option to view the content insider or outside of the subpane.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.2). 

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček

Fist, let me say that NewsFox is the best RSS reader out there, and I have been living on NewsFox since it first came out, but the change to opening a new window/tab when clicking on the feed\'s url from showing it in the subpane is totally impossible to work with. I\'ve already read the \'inventor\'s\' comment that he doesn\'t think anyone should want to read a feed that way. Wrong. I\'ll never give up NewFox, but I\'m sticking with 0.8 until the NewsFox creators give the users the option to view the content insider or outside of the subpane.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.2). 

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček

everything was okay since the last update this morning !
after rebooting firefox, NewsFox crashes with this :
"loadIndices(): TypeError: xml.getElementsByTagName ("fdgpidx")[0].childNodes[0] has no properties "

I'm glad you understand the pb, cause I don't :-)
Hope you can fix it ASAP !

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.8.2).