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Хронология на версиите на IMAP Received Date

6 версии

Отнасяйте се с повишено внимание към старите версии!

Тези версии са предоставени за справки и тестови цели. Винаги трябва да използвате последната версия на добавките.

Издание 2.0.6 5.1 KiB Работи с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

Remove Kickstarter campaign pop-up, since the campaign has succeeded and is almost over.

Издание 2.0.5 27.5 KiB Работи с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

Translation updates.

Издание 2.0.2 4.6 KiB Работи с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 71.*

More Thunderbird 68 changes. TB builds prior to 2019-05-20 will no longer work.

Издание 2.0.1 4.8 KiB Работи с SeaMonkey 2.9 - 2.59, Thunderbird 60.0 - 68.0a1

FIx the "minversion" setting in the install configuration file. I forgot you can't use wildcard version number in the minimum version setting.

Remove a debug log message.

Издание 1.0.1 5.2 KiB Работи с SeaMonkey 2.9 - 2.59, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 60.*

Bump compatibility in XPI file to make installation easier.

Издание 1.0 5.0 KiB Работи с SeaMonkey 2.9 - 2.59, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 60.*