تاريخ إصدارات Simple Mail Redirection

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هذه الإصدارات ظاهرة لأغراض المرجعية والاختبار. ينبغي عليك دائمًا أن تستخدم الإصدارة الأخيرة من هذه الإضافة.

الإصدارة 1.45 90.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 130.*

Fixed nonworking filter in TB128

الإصدارة 1.44 90.5 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 128.*

Fixed issue for TB78

الإصدارة 1.43 90.5 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 128.*

- Fixed issue where not all messages are shown in the popup window if a large number of messages is selected and rightclick is used
- Fixed unreadable text in header of messages table
- Fixed too large popup window height if more than 15 messages are selected
- Fixed issue when redirecting an opened .eml file

الإصدارة 1.40 90.1 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 128.*

Fixes an issue for TB115.5

الإصدارة 1.39 90.0 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 121.*

- Fixed bug when mail server sends a 421 timeout error after mail has already been successfully delivered
- Now correctly removes duplicate recipients from dropdown list
- Fixed timing problem with ldap or other slow addressbooks
- Removed support for cardbook < 78.4
- Implement 'search only selected addressbooks' (cardbook users need version 91.6 of cardbook(=CB))
- Add TB/CB indicator and parents name to maillist in selector box
- Fixed icons for redirected mails (TB115/table view)
- Fixed missing keyword (==icon) when message is redirected by filter which also moves message to another folder
- Immediately save changed account/identity
- Fixed issue for TB117

الإصدارة 1.34 82.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 115.*

Fixed communication problem with cardbook

الإصدارة 1.33 82.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 115.*

- Fixed issue for TB115 which prevents add-on from working
- Recipient field now gets focus
- Fixed optical issue in To:/Cc:/Bcc: selector

الإصدارة 1.32 82.4 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 115.*

- Fixed sometimes buggy timezone offset in Resent-Date: header
- Set 'redirected' flag on redirected messages
- Fixed multiple issues for TB115 (Supernova)

الإصدارة 1.29 81.1 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.*

- Add default custom headers (mail.identity.(default|idn).headers) to redirected mail (Not in TB78)
- Fixed a minor visual issue

الإصدارة 1.27 80.8 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.*

Fixed issue which prevents filter from working

الإصدارة 1.26 80.8 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.*

- Number of simultaneous connections to SMTP server limited (configurable, default to 4)
- Focus is now set to the recipient address field on opening the dialog
- Added a keyboard shortcut to access the recipient address field (Alt/Shift/T)
- Fixed a minor issue with determining the screen size

الإصدارة 1.23 73.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.*

- Fixed issues when disabling or removing add-on
- Fix filter issues when add-on is updated
- Don't use cardbook if its installed but disabled
- Fixed possible issue at startup

الإصدارة 1.21 62.0 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.0

Redirection may now be used as filter target

الإصدارة 1.20 60.0 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.0

Allows to save and restore named sets of addresses. The set '*' will be restored by default.

الإصدارة 1.19 55.7 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.0

Fix problem if keystrokes into address field comes too quick (e.g. from autohotkey)

الإصدارة 1.18 55.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 102.0

- Fixed bug when mail server returns error status
- Allow to change FROM or TO address and try sending again if an error occurs
- Automatically close window on success (configurable)
- Fixed 'Tab'-key from inside address selector box
- Fixed some minor issues

الإصدارة 1.17 52.6 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

Fixed problem with cardbook

الإصدارة 1.15 52.4 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

- Use cardbook api if available
- Use black&white icons
- Allow comma separated email addresses in input field
- Don't save message, if not requested
- Fixed minor issues for TB91

Currently there is a bug with cardbook 70.9, if cards are not in a colored category!

الإصدارة 1.14 50.7 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

Colorize addressbook entries from cardbook

الإصدارة 1.13 50.4 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

- Fixed issues with TB8x
- From and To/CC/BCC selectors now shows an arrow

الإصدارة 1.12 50.1 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

- Allows to select a maillist
- Allows to zoom the window (CTRL/+, CTRL/- and CTRL/0)
- Fixed problem with Linux/MacOS
- Allows to use CTRL/Enter for 'Send'
- Save state of the 'save this message' checkbox
- Save last used identity (per account)
- Fixed bug where send failed if search results box still visible
- Fixed problem with DKIM

الإصدارة 1.10 47.1 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.7.0 - 91.*

- Now allows to select identity to send messages from
- Now allows to select CC and BCC
- Now allows to save redirected messages to the sent folder
- Show warning if foldernames contains a %-sign (bug 1684327)

الإصدارة 1.9 44.3 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

- fixed bug when redirecting from local folders and no default account found
- fixed minor issue if TB is started via .eml file (but redirect not possible in this case)

الإصدارة 1.8 44.0 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

fixed bug when resending a message from local folders

الإصدارة 1.7 43.9 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

fixed issue in conjunction with cardbook

الإصدارة 1.6 43.9 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

- show second email on matches
- added support for cardbook

الإصدارة 1.5 41.8 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

fixed bug with context menu in message list

الإصدارة 1.4 41.8 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.5.0 - 91.*

- added context menu entry and button to message displays
- added keyboard shortcut (CTRL/B by default)
- added toolbar button
- save and restore position of window

الإصدارة 1.3 41.2 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.0 - 91.*

- fixed bug where stylesheet not loaded if master password is set
- hide select list if address is dropped
- change colors to work with tb's color schemes

الإصدارة 1.2 40.2 KiB تعمل مع ثندرِبِرد 78.0 - 91.*