Tom LB


名称 Tom LB
注册时间 April 13, 2011
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Menu On Top (SuperMenu Avatar)


For die-hard Menu Bar users like me, this is a must-have extension. Once the Menu Bar is moved to the top row, the folder tabs become visually connected to their action button bars, making the UI much easier to understand and navigate. If you're a Menu Bar user, you'll see and appreciate the difference immediately.

The author was responsive and helpful when I had questions about configuring this extension.


Folder Pane View Switcher


Hate having to click through two levels of pull-down menus every time you want to switch from All Folders to Favorites or Unified views? This add-on elegantly solves the problem, giving instant access to the folder view options.

Other reviewers have asked for tabs instead of (or in addition to) arrows, but I think it is perfect as-is. Arrows occupy less real estate on the UI, and since navigation wraps around (Recent to All), you never click more than twice to get the view you want.




Perfect for quickly listing and viewing the CSS and Javascript files used by a web page. Thanks for updating compatibility to Firefox 4.
