名称 | C-E |
注册时间 | Nov. 9, 2019 |
开发的附加组件数量 | 9 个附加组件 |
开发的附加组件平均得分 | 评分5星,满分5星 |
Search Button
Toolbar button to invoke message search dialog window.
Symbolleistenschaltfläche, um das Dialogfeld für die Nachrichtensuche aufzurufen.
With the help of this Add-on, up to 99 pre-made texts (standard texts, text modules or even signatures) can be stored, which can then be retrieved and inserted when writing an e-mail.
The texts can be preformatted with HTML.
Highlights selected text when composing emails. Default colour is yellow - other colours are available via Options.
(Works only during writing an e-mail, i.e. only in the compose window.)
Hide Local Folders for TB78++
Removes the 'Local Folders' entry from the folder pane.
(The folder itself will stay existent.)
(Based on the original work of Alex Cabal.)
Get All Mail Button for TB78++
Adds a toolbar button to get all new messages for all accounts in Thunderbird. When clicked, it does the same as the default button "Get Messages" dropdown menu entry "Get All New Messages".
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