
My favorite Thunderbird Add-on , until a recent computer change and Thunderbird updated to 52.4 and now SoundPlus 1.2.2


The interface for choosing your sound choices per email filter/sender was difficult to figure out. I finally got it to work. Better documentation would have helped.


It's a great idea but unfortunately it does not work all the time! Does anybody know an alternative to SoundPlus?


Yes, it gives us the ability to have custom tones for each contact- but yet it sill is kinda lacking.

Here are some improvements:

* Correctly point to a sound folder when choosing sounds.

* Fix the annoying bug in which sounds keep coming unchecked in the options.

Give us improvements like that and this could easily be 4 or 5 stars. *** and 1/2 is fair for now.


Useful function. Works fine with Ubuntu 10.10 but not with 11.04 (and Thunderbird 14). Should be great if it was possible to customize sound with selfmade file (mp3, ogg..) per address like for picture.


While this is a great idea, I have a PC with O/S Vista and TB 10.0.2 and this SP 1.2.2 add-on unfortunately doesn't continue to work; as my selection to play sound keeps unchecking. Also, it doesn't detect the email receipt on my provider server and only plays after my emails are downloaded. Are there any updates to clear these bugs? I'll keep checking...


Пользовался этим расширением для старой версии клиента (3). перешел на Thunderbird8. Скачал - устанавливаю через сам клиент- пишет не соответствует версия.
Открываем файл soundplus-1.2.2-tb-windows.xpi с помощью файл-менеджера 7zip. Находим в архиве файл install.rdf, находим строчку
меняем 5 на 9 , сохраняем, обновляем архив. Устанавливаем в Thunderbird 8. Вуаля.
Разработчику спасибо.


Would be great if it actually worked. Currently it just turns off the system sound against my will leaving me with completely quiet incoming email no matter what I do.


Just tried with Trustedbird (based on Thunderbird 2 and 3 branch) in Puppy Linux

sound not working

can this extension be hacked manually to work?

how the playing of sounds is performed? with wavplay?



It's phantastic!



Great Job!.
Thank you. I will keep an eye waiting for personalized sound files.



Very good. but I want to make the sender names wav. files that I record by the microphone of PC and use the files. I wait for new version.(from Japan, Okayama)



Good plugin but it seems that soundplus plays even if it's a new (unknown) sender.
Is it possible to sound for only known senders ?



It's great, but it would be perfect if you could customise the sounds.



not bad. but a main feature is missing:
- configureable path for soundfiles

i would like to user my own soundfiles

a small bug:
if i like to preview the sound... it seems to play in a loop. i think "one time" is enough :-)

simple useful plugin.
thanks for that
