Abandoned projects


此收藏集中有 4 个附加组件

Linky 作者:gemal

评分4星,满分5星 126 条评价

4 名用户

Linky will increase your power to handle links. ...

Is It Compatible? 作者:eternicode

评分4星,满分5星 37 条评价

49 名用户

**Notice: This addon is no longer maintained.** Are your addons compatible with the next version of Firefox? Find out straight from the Addons window! **Version 0.6.0 is available from the Versions page, it was never approved by AMO**

Multiple Addon Deactivator 作者:ChrisLE

评分4星,满分5星 19 条评价

2 名用户

Multiple Addon Deactivator (M.A.D) is an addon that can (de)activate one, many or each addon at the same time

Clines 作者:arno. arno.

评分3星,满分5星 3 条评价

1 名用户

Clines, a little game


