
Metal Lion Sea Monkey 需要重开

Metal Lion meets SeaMonkey.

评分5星,满分5星 (10)
137 位用户

Metal Lion Silver Sea Monkey 需要重开

Metal Lion meets SeaMonkey and makes it shine....

评分5星,满分5星 (2)
37 位用户

XPFE-Classic 需要重开

Classic Mozilla/SeaMonkey 1.x theme

评分4星,满分5星 (8)
43 位用户

Modern2 需要重开

A darker Modern theme from old Mozilla builds ported to SeaMonkey

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31 位用户

SeaMonkey Gray Modern Revived 需要重开

The Classic Gray Modern Theme.

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9 位用户

Orbit Retro 需要重开

The once very popular then lost and found again Orbit Retro.

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0 位用户

Orthodox for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Mozilla 1 / Netscape 4 classic theme

评分5星,满分5星 (10)
17 位用户

Walnut for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Walnut for Seamonkey, based on icons from art.gnome.org, and sporting a wooden look. Including full support for Lightning.

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0 位用户

LittleMonkey for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Clean, simple, consequent and fast theme for SeaMonkey.

评分3星,满分5星 (7)
2 位用户

SeaMonkey Gray Modern 需要重开

If anyone can try grabbing this theme and getting it to work, please do. I can't get it to go active after the last round of Seamonkey updates. I've tried the chrome.manifest and install.rdf changes, to no avail.

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0 位用户

Classic Default 需要重开

A port of the Netscape 4.x/Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x "Classic" theme for SeaMonkey 2

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0 位用户

Kilome 需要重开 精选

Kilome A Seamonkey Theme

评分4星,满分5星 (9)
0 位用户

Walnut2 for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Walnut2 for SeaMonkey, based on icons from art.gnome.org. Includes support for many extensions. Also includes 'cutemenu' icons

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0 位用户

Nautipolis for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Nautipolis for SeaMonkey, based on icons from art.gnome.org. Includes support for help, inspector, downloadstatusbar, downloadmgr, calendar, quicknote, offline and toolbarext. Tested with googlebar. Also includes 'cutemenu' icons

评分4星,满分5星 (11)
0 位用户

MicroMonkey 需要重开

MicroMonkey, designed for optimal screen usage, leaving lots of room for browsing. Based on icons from art.gnome.org. Includes support for many addons, including eingmail, dlman, adblockplus, dispmua.

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