名称 | saplex2012 |
注册时间 | Aug. 5, 2012 |
开发的附加组件数量 | 0 个附加组件 |
开发的附加组件平均得分 | 尚无评分 |
Text Complete
I Really Love this add-on, i use it every day, for me it's (perfect compares to others).
i only noticed a small problem, (sometimes) when you save a text it doesn't save it and the text just disappears, but once you successfully saved your text it'll not disappear anymore... thank you very much Marcel Scherzer for this awesome add-on.
i forgot to mention that I'm currently using FF 9.0.1 and it's working perfectly for me, thanks.
Text Complete
I Really Love this add-on, i use it every day, for me it's (perfect compares to others).
i only noticed a small problem, (sometimes) when you save a text it doesn't save it and the text just disappears, but once you successfully saved your text it'll not disappear anymore... thank you very much Marcel Scherzer for this awesome add-on.
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