Jonathan Cutting
名称 | Jonathan Cutting |
位置 | Suffolk, United Kingdom |
职业 | Add Ons Developer |
主页 | |
注册时间 | Dec. 13, 2010 |
开发的附加组件数量 | 2 个附加组件 |
开发的附加组件平均得分 | 评分3星,满分5星 |
Opacus SugarCRM 6.2+ Thunderbird Integration Pro 需要重开
SugarCRM 6.2.0-8.x/SuiteCRM 7.x Integration for Thunderbird
Enables archiving of emails into SugarCRM and SuiteCRM from Thunderbird. Requires a purchased license key (you can request a trial from within the extension).
Opacus SugarCRM/SuiteCRM Thunderbird Extension 需要重开
Enables the archiving of emails into SugarCRM/SuiteCRM from Thunderbird 3 and above.
Color Source
Let me know if you're interested in maybe sharing the code on Github and I can issue a pull request - thanks.
I really like this theme but there are a couple of problems for me on 3.1.7; the global search box does not scale down now due to the large icon that replaces the small gloda-search-icon, and the button to show the quick search box is hidden. Thanks for a great theme for Ubuntu users!
这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(1.1)。创建您自已的收藏集,您必须一个 Mozilla 附加组件账户。