

名称 WordMean
主页 http://wordswithmeaning.org/
注册时间 Sept. 6, 2011
开发的附加组件数量 1 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


WordMean is an open-minded news & opinions website that focuses on taking things seriously and cutting the crap from the headlines. We cover everything from international politics, crimes and copyright infringement and even the paranormal.

We don’t cover celebrities, entertainment or sports.

We believe in free-speech and anonymity and that’s why every single story is open for comments. There are no registrations, no paywalls and no requests for your personal details.

How is WordMean different from other news sites?

Well – put it this way: Most ‘alternative’ news websites can be incredibly left-wing or right-wing. We like to see ourselves as a bit more centralised and open to things. We have a firm belief in privacy but that doesn’t mean we suspect that absolutely everything is an invasion on our rights. We don’t favour any particular political party – actually, most of our stories come from the perspective that all politicians are as bad as each other.

As well as news, opinions and affairs – we also have extensive coverage on a whole variety of topics and give a prodigious and in-depth analysis and research on several special stories.

WordMean does not accept press releases or content that biasedly recommends a certain product (cash for comment)


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WordswithMeaning! (or WordMean for short) is an online editorial with many purposes - to be free without paywalls, to oppose the sensationalist media & to provide meaningful articles, news reports and subject discussions.

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